S. Mahendra Dev

Showing all 12 books
India is today a $1.8 trillion economy, the fourth largest in the world. Its robust and dynamic economy has achieved much in the last two decades of the reform period. How has the Indian economy been performing?
What should be done to revive GDP growth? How can infl ation be controlled? Is fi scal policy pro- or countercyclical in India? Providing answers to topical questions as these, this India Development Report, the seventh in the IDR series, examines: ...
The Indian economy is more globally integrated now as compared to the year when the reforms started. The global financial crisis that originated in the US in 2008 transmitted to emerging market economies like India. Again, continued global slowdown in the last few years had an adverse impact on India’s economy as the value of exports declined significantly in the last two years. Currently, India’s macroeconomic parameters, such as current account ...
According to recent estimates, India is the third largest economy in the world after USA and China in terms of purchasing power parity. More significantly, the country witnessed a major shift in political leadership when a clear mandate was provided to the BJP-led NDA coalition in the national elections in May 2014. This has empowered the new government to take bold economic decisions to meet the short- and longer-term challenges of this country.
Accelerating ...
The authors in this book comprehensively deal with investment in Indian agriculture covering a number of aspects like the concept of capital and growth, capital formation and agricultural growth and the scenario of poverty. They document the cross-county experiences on relationship between capital and economic growth and poverty. They analyse trends in investment and investment behaviour of private and public sectors, growth cycle of capital stock in or for ...
India is often cited as a land of paradoxes. This is certainly true when it comes to food security. Despite a decline in poverty, close to 30 per cent of its people are food insecure and one-half of its children malnourished in one way or another. And yet the country has a stock of more than 60 million tones of foodgrains stored through government’s procurement. Increased food prices, shrinkage of area under foodgrains and escalating food subsidy are now the ...
Andhra Pradesh has been vigorously pursuing economic reforms since the mid-1990s for stepping up economic growth and alleviating poverty, while protecting environment. These initiatives have earned a name for Andhra Pradesh as one in the forefront of economic reforms, raising high expectations within the country and abroad about its performance. The papers in this volume examine the development experience of Andhra Pradesh in the wake of the on-going economic ...
Prof. C.H. Hanumantha Rao is one of India’s most distinguished economists. He has contributed immensely to both research and policy making in India. As a token of gratitude, some academicians and policy makers decided to pay a tribute on his 75th birth anniversary by bringing out a volume containing research papers relating to few important themes on India in the context of globalising world. All the contributors to this volume have made important contributions ...
Conflicts over water are a grim reality today, and this volume traces the reasons for these conflicts from the micro to the global level. The essays look at how the cumulative effect of gross negligence and mismanagement of water resources over the years have created water scarcity. They point out that the problem is not due to shortage of water, but due to the absence of proper mechanisms for its conservation, distribution, and efficient use. The essays are ...
India celebrated sixty years of independence on 15 August 2007. There have been several achievements. and failures in economic and social development during this period. There remain concerns regarding the agriculture sector, poverty reduction, employment generation, social sector development, reduction in regional disparities and protection of the environment. The volume comprising six section tries to address these issues. The study begins with the theme ...