S.N. Pandey

Showing all 13 books
Environmental pollution has become first rank problem of modern society and requires more and more precise work to be done for solving it. Contributions included in the book focus light on related problems. The book is a collection of papers/reviews on environment written by eminent experts in the field. Various aspects of environmental sciences like nature conservation, environmental protection, impact of industrial and sewage effluents on aquatic ecosystem, ...
In the Past a lot of attempts have been made by various bodies to assimilate the authentic information on pear in a consolidated from at one place. However, still there is a vacuum to satisfy the needs of the scholars in the field. Through this book an attempt has been made to bring the authentic information regarding Pear at one place. The different chapters in this book have been contributed by the veterans in the field. The chapters in this book have been ...
In the recent years, international Conferences held world over, on 'Global Environmental Issues' have unanimously resolved for creating mass awareness about environmental problems. In India, following the judgment of Supreme Court (2003), University Grants Commission has formulated a core Module Syllabus for Environmental Studies: the discipline concerned with environmental issues, their remedial measures and the social aspects, for all undergraduate courses and ...
It is not exaggerated, but true, that almost eighty per cent of the population of developing countries relies on traditional medicines as studies by World Health Organisation (WHO). Moreover, medicinal plants are economical, effective, eco-friendly and hundred per cent vegetarian. Fortunately, our country is enriched with medicinal plants and herbs.Out ancient sages were fully aware of medicinal plants and their (application and use) physical ailments. Due to ...
In the modern medicine also plants occupy a very significant place as a raw material for some important drugs although synthetic drugs and antibiotics brought about a revolution in controlling different diseases. But these synthetic drugs are out of reach of millions of people. Those who live in remote places depends on taditional healers, whom they know and trust. Judicius use of medicinal herbs can even cure deadly diseases that have long defined synthetic ...
The studies on economic history of modern India had a very late beginning. During the early stage of historiography, a few historians recognized the connection between political and economic history remained a chapter on economic conditions only. Causes and effects of economy were never and analyzed. This book attempts to fill that gap. Examining the characteristic of a colonial economy, the book discusses the process of colonizing Indian economy, with speared ...
The book elucidates an up-to-date authoritative coverage of literature concerning the work done in abroad and India on both lentic and lotic waters covering aspects on algae as pollution indicator and effect of environment, industrial effluents and heavy metals and other chemicals on algae. It also describes the procedural details about collection, identification, qualitative and quantitative determinations, culture of algae, Nygaard's Trophic state indices and ...