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The study of astronomy in India is as ancient as her civilization. Indian subcontinent is one of the few culture areas in which an unbroken tradition in astronomical research has been maintained from the prehistoric to modern times. Thus the rudiments of the concept of a stellar zodiac which we find fully developed in the Vedic Samhitas and Brahmanas appear in some of the seals of the Indus Valley Civilization. This early interest in astronomy is further ...
The present volume is devoted to a study of India's work in the filed science and technology. Readers will find with surprise that her achievements in this field are by no means negligible. There are thirty-two articles on the subject, all written by competent scholars. The articles, if not exhaustive, give a fair idea of how the Indian genius, not content with the subjective quest, has also turned its gaze on the objective world.THE SIXTH volume, with an ...