S Nandi

Showing all 11 books
Microbiology is one of the most important subject not only in Veterinary Sciences and Animal Husbandry but also in Medical sciences. This book is written based on the most relevant and current information of microbiology in the form of objective type questions so that everybody can read and understand it properly. The book is useful for scientists, teachers, students, officers, diagnosticians, laboratory technicians, public health professionals and medial ...
Contents: I. Viral diseases: 1. Foot and mouth disease. 2. Classical swine fever. 3. Rabies. 4. Peste des petits ruminants PPR. 5. Goat pox. 6. Sheep pox. 7. Bluetongue. 8. Infectious bovine rhinotracheities. 9. Bovine ephemeral fever. 10. Canine parvovirus infections in dog. II. Bacterial diseases: 11. Black quarter. 12. Bovine tuberculosis. 13. Brucellosis. 14. Glanders. 15. Haemorrhagic septicaemia. 16. Leptospirosis. 17. Strangles. 18. Anthrax. 19. ...
This manual is written in a very simple and lucid manner so that every person can read and understand the common reproductive problems in dairy as well as pet animals. The manual is written for field veterinarians, the persons engaged in dairy reproductive health control programme, officers and students. This handy manual will provide latest information related to diagnostics as well as therapeutics of most commonly gynaecological disorders like anestrus, repeat ...
Veterinary Public Health is one of the most important subject in Veterinary Sciences and Animal Husbandry. The book “Veterinary Public Health : at a glance” is written in a very simple and lucid manner so that everybody can read and understand it properly. The book is useful for scientists, teachers, students, officers, diagnosticians, laboratory technicians, public health professionals and medial personnel associated directly or indirectly associated ...
Virology is the study of viruses causing infectious and contagious diseases in man and animals. There are many viral diseases namely FMD, PPR, sheep pox, goat pox, IBR, bluetongue, swine fever, rabies, canine parvovirus etc prevalent in India affecting different species of animals and causing enormous economic losses. All the diseases caused by pathogens except viral diseases can be treated with antimicrobials. As there is no specific treatment available for ...
Rabies, a dreadful and terrifying disease of warm blooded animals is not only a national but also a global problem. Rabies is the most important viral zoonosis from a global perspective. Although, the anti-rabies vaccine was first prepared by drying the rabies from infected rabbit brain long ago in 1885 by Louis Pasteur, over the years, lot of developments have been made in this field but the disease is still prevalent in many countries of the ...
Poultry Diseases: At a Glance is written in a very simple and lucid manner so that everybody can read and understand the poultry diseases very easily. The book is useful for scientists, teachers, students, officers, diagnosticians and researchers as poultry diseases are of paramount importance and causing enormous economic losses in the poultry industry. The book has covered not only the diseases of infectious nature but also the metabolic and nutritional ...
The book is written in a very simple and lucid manner so that everybody can read and understand it very easily. The book is useful for scientists, teachers, students, officers, diagnosticians and laboratory technicians as cell culture has become an essential and indispensable tool in many branches of life sciences and application of cell culture is getting increased exponentially day by day in various fields of biological and medical research arena. The book will ...
The book is written in a very simply and lucid manner so that everybody can read and understand the Immunology subject very easily. The book is useful for scientist, teachers, students, officers, diagnosticians and researches as Immunology has become an essential and indispensable subject now-a-days not only to understand the different arms of the immune system playing a role in the pathogenesis of the diseases but also to diagnose and treat the diseases in an ...