S P Bahadur

Showing all 6 books
Kavitavali is an anthology of poems containing 325 verses. The first part comprises Rama-katha (Deeds of Rama) in which some events from the life of Rama are briefly narrated in 142 verses, bringing out the Purushottama aspect of Rama. The second part comprises Rama-guna-gatha (Glory of Qualities of Rama) in 183 verses. Hailing the Glory of Rama is a feature of bhakti sadhana (discipline of Devotion) of which Tulsidas was an ardent exposition.
In ten short works contained in this volume, Tulsi composes verses on themes which evaluate his religious perspectives. Only three of these works are based on the deeds of Rama: In Baravai Ramayana, the rapture of devotion in the Name of Rama is brought out; in Ramalala Nahachhu Tulsi reiterates his faith in the Saguna form of Rama; in Ramajna Prashna, he ostensibly reads omens from the Deeds of Rama but concludes that all welfare depends on the devotion of Rama. ...
Ramcharitmanasa is the magnum opus of Tulsidas. It has the distinction of being the only work in Hindi, which is widely accepted as a scripture. Translation of Ramcharitmanasa is difficult because its simple verses contain, as it were between their lines, theological exposition of the Rama symbol. The literal equivalents sometimes unsuited to the theological intent. An attempt has been in this translation to preserve the original without impairing the theological ...
In Vinaya Patrika Tulsi submits a mercy petition in the court of Rama. Ostensibly he is the plaintiff but evidently he represents humanity. His complaint is against Kaliyuga who has abetted with maya to cause turbulence on earth driving mankind inexorably in the net of delusion and inevitable life-death cycles. In such times discernment through knowledge, yoga, renunciation have receded and bounty of Rama's causeless mercy is the only recourse for redemption. ...
Dohavali contains 573 Dohas (couplets) based on dharma and morality. Dharma is a corollary of religion and morality is a corollary of dharma. All religions enjoin moral codes of living for human beings. Tulsidas commences Dohavali by reiterating his faith in Saguna Rama, designating him to be the Divine Author of Morality. He describes illusions and emotions of earthly life. He compares the Glory of Love to the chaatak bird's legendary unswerving devotion to a ...
Gitavali is of special significance to a devotee of Lord Rama. The Lord declared both in Ramacharitmanasa (VII.46) and in Srimad Bhagavadgita (IX.14) that by chanting His Glories one attains His Divine Bliss. Tulsi sings of the glory of the Saguna Form of Rama in highest ecstasy. He depicts the entire Creation: birds, beasts, Blossoms, trees, skies, clouds, fragrant breezes, day, night, Sun, Moon and stars paying obeisance to Rama, the Incarnated Lord of the ...