Showing all 4 books
This publication covers 26 technical papers in 296 pages authored by experts which were presented in the MGMI International Conference on Emerging Challenges in Mining Industry held on 26-27 September 2003. The main topics covered are underground mining technology, opencast mining, environmental management, mineral beneficiation and challenges to mining industry. MGMI, which is providing useful service to the mineral industry since 1906, has brought out this ...
Aurobindo was one of the great thinkers and philosophers who strode the Indian subcontinent. However, his thoughts and the philosophy that he expounded crossed the territorial boundaries of the country and the geographical boundaries of the subcontinent to draw followers from all parts of the world. His message was of universal peace and harmony and his stress was that internal religious satisfaction led to outward manifestations of rightful behavriour and ...
The word “Logic†is derived from the Greek word logos which means word, reason or discourse. It occurs as the suffix in the names of most of the sciences, such as geo-logy, bio-logy, and psycho-logy and suggests the systematic search for universal laws and principles, in accordance with sound rational criteria and experimental procedures, modified to best serve the ends of the particular science. But underlying all of the sciences, as well as the ordinary ...