S.P. Sharma

Showing all 22 books
Teaching English: Applications and Lesson Plans", provides readers with an introductory overview of application and utility of text-book in the teaching of English including the application and utility of audio-visual aids in the teaching of English. Attempts have been made towards highlighting the role of English teaching by teaching of Spelling; and English teaching by teaching vocabulary. A brief review of importance of teaching of English grammar; ...
This Publications titled, "Elements and Components of Educational Psychology", provides readers with an introductory overview of perception and educational psychology; attention and educational psychology' thinking and educational psychology; memory and educational psychology; and imagination and educational psychology; and imagination and educational psychology. Attempts have been made towards understanding creativity and education; identification of ...
Renaissance painting on biblical themes, full of exoticisms and great naturalism, inspired Mughal patrons, Akbar, Jahangir, Shah Jahan and their court painters active at Fatehpur Sikri, Agra, Lahore and Delhi. Akbar's drives in search of truth in religion drew Christianity and its images close to the people of India. It proved to be a friendly meet between the East and the West and from there emerged a distinct Mughal entity in the art of India. The rulers and ...
An outstanding publication of tropical ornamental plants including trees, shrubs, climbers house plants and cacti and other succulents, illustrated by more than 1660 attractive colour photographs. This book also contains description of different species and varieties of the above groups of plants in addition to their uses and cultivation. The publication will be a useful guide for identification and culture of a large number of common and rare ornamentals. ...
Besides being informative and educative, the present book is intended to be an infrastructure for resurrection of the system which continues to be the kind of a ladder for feudalistic aspirations. Unfortunately so far as the Indian Legal System is concerned we are being governed by the British still after over four decades of freedom. This aspect of the legal system has been very well dealt with. The defects in the process of judicial appointments have been ...
In social sciences and science and technology experiments are designed and conducted to either prove or demonstrate a hypothesis. These researches may be either analytical, semi-analytical or purely experimental. In this process one gets/generates lot of data. Lot of analyses, tests for correctness of data and presentation of data in final form is the basic task before finalisation of research work. Drawing conclusions based upon final presentable data will be ...
The modern medicines which are used before, during and after the operations can be safely replaced by the homoeopathic medicines and with better results too. The medicines, along with their indications, have been given for each condition to give it a fair trial before the operation.
The present title in two volumes is a comprehensive study of tribal ethnicity and evolution of tribal eco culture. First volume deals with the theory, concept and dimension of culture, cultural interaction between tribes and non-tribes and its impact on socio-economic life. Second volume gives a critical analysis of identification of tribal ethnicity, social contact and cultural interaction in changing scenario, myths of tribes and tribalism and evolution of ...
This triple volume work is a comprehensive analysis of the tribal women in India. The first volume "Tribal Women in Changing Soceity" deals with the changing scenario of tribal women in society. However, the second volume "Women in Tribal Economy" throws light on the economic contribution of women in tribal family and society, while the third volume "Tradition Modernity of Tribal Women" highlights the tradition and the third volume ...
The book 'Advanced pathology and treatment of diseases of poultry' has been prepared to cater to the needs of students of the veterinary colleges, diagnosticians engaged in disease investigation and practicing veterinarians in different states of this country. The syllabi prevalent in different agricultural universities have been kept in view in preparing the manuscript of this book. Sincere efforts have been made to insert all pertinent pathological changes in ...
Culture is to know the best that has been said and thought in the world, observed Mathew Arnold. This compilation seeks to include gems of wisdom from as many different sources as possible, selected for their inspirational value, particularly for the young. There is in existence a vast ocean of thoughts of great minds and it is indeed difficult to pick the pearls from its depths. However, a sincere attempt has been made in this book to include gems of wisdom from ...
Be the soul of the party.Find favour with your associates in business,or social circles! Get going with Laughter-the Secret of Good Health! In fact,the fastest way to break the ice in many a situation is to crack a joke. Which is why Danish pianist Victor Borge had quipped: Laughter is the shortest distance between two people. This book is replete with humorous one-liners, quips, quotes and anecdotes that will have you rolling with laughter. The book also dwells ...
The author S.P. Sharma, not only discusses the problems facing the modern man in his book, but he also explains certain religious truths comprehensively by employing non-technical language. It contains for you useful information designed to help you relieve you from anxiety and disturbing thoughts -providing you a clear vision leading to happier life. It would help you: To combat the shocks of life; To know that nothing is more useful than the awakened self; To ...
In a world marked by competition personality is the key to success--whether it is social or business or personal or political arena. Interview for IAS or an MNC, meeting with the parents of your prospective bride, addressing a public rally, or delivering a speech in an international conference...if you have a confident and pleasing personality, you will surely make your mark! This book seeks to motivate young men and women, particularly students, to make ...
Tales of legendary courtiers and jesters have delighted people for centuries. Through their wit, wisdom and humour, such men saved themselves and others, even their kings, from ticklish situations. This book covers five such legendary characters: *Birbal was the most famous wit and one of the nine jewels in Emperor Akbar`s court. *Mulla Nasruddin is rated as one of the world`s most famous funsters and probably lived in ancient Turkey. A man of the masses, he did ...