S.P. Shukla

Showing all 7 books
Contents: Part- I : Veterinary Gynaecology: 1. Study of female genitalia and its biometry. 2. Study of estrus detection in farm animals. 3. Collection and examination of vaginal mucus. 4. Study of different hormonal preparations and their use. 5. Different protocol for induction and synchronization of estrus. 6. Pregnancy diagnosis and its differential diagnosis in farm animals. 7. Study of gynaecological instruments and appliances. 8. Evaluation of female animal ...
It is well known that about ninety seven percent of world's ice-cover is located in polar areas and thus only three percent is available for the use of humanity in rest of the globe. These reserves are a precious commodity especially for a country like India, where the dependence for irrigation, hydropower, industry and domestic usage is mainly on the Monsoon precipitation. Any depletion in the Monsoon contribution results in our dependence on seasonal snow cover ...
The book relates to the unique geography of the unique land segment of India, represented by Arunchal Pradesh or the Land of Rising Sun. Arunachal Pradesh is a State Which has been least explored and exposed. Its geography has remained least comprehended. Its protentials and plan projects have, accordingly, remained least recognized and ill-effectively executed. The present book represents a modest attempt to fil the void felt in academic and planning circles. ...
The mother earth in the present day context witnessed a dramatic change which leads to the degradation of the planet. The degradation is of recent nature which started in past few decades. Man has brought the planet to the brinks of disaster by various ways. Today we drink, breathe, smell and eat polluted klthings due to the greedness of man. The natural resources of the earth became pollutedkl which is intolerable for the living beings of the planet. The ...
Even though the country has a Planning Commission, chaired by the Prime Minister and a whole time Deputy Chairman, often the micro regions, like Arunachal Pradesh, do not find their due focus and the priority, they do so badly need and so abundantly deserve. The treatise in hand tries to fill that void. The book focuses on the development issues of the micro-region and brings the pearls of wisdom out of the imbroglio of development milieu of the state under ...
As a humble tribute to their esteemed teacher and a great human being, Prof. Kiran Kumar Thaplyal, this book, History and Heritage, is brought out by his proud students as a guru-dakashina. All his students of successive generations have always held him high I great admiration, respect and love for his erudition, for his self-effacing nature and for his ever-charged enthusiasm that he has shown ungrudgingly whenever someone sought his help, guidance, interaction, ...