Showing all 3 books
The Chakmas are a simple hardy, peace loving community professing Buddhism and inhabiting the inaccessible hilly areas in India’s north-east viz. the States of Tripura, Assam, Arunachal Pradesh, Mizoram, the Chittagong Hill Tracts in Bangladesh and Arakan in Purma. Over the years and due to their cultural interaction with the people of other races, mainly Bengalees they have lost much of their original ethnic characteristics, and speak a ...
This book is an encyclopaedic of Sakyan History in which Sakyamuni Gautama Buddha was born. It is the tracing the roots of the Sakyan Clan in the perspective of history, ethnography, anthropology, archaeology, philosophy, religion and DNA studies. It has foothold to assert where are the modern Sakyan. They are certainly not vanished but transformed and remained unknown. This book shall transform the psyche and society and give a birth of a new Civilization of ...