About 25% of the vascular plants of India are found no where else or otherwise endemic to India. These living natural treasures are important part of our heritage. The book ‘Endemic Vascular Plants of India’ enumerates 4381 taxa (4303 Angiosperms, 12 Gymnosperms and 66 Pteridophytes) belonging to 1007 genera and 176 families. A total of 58 genera have been identified as endemic to India. Distributional maps for all the 58 endemic genera and their ...
Contents: Vol. II: 1. Leguminosae. 2. Rosaceae. 3. Saxifragaceae. 4. Vahliaceae. 5. Parnassiaceae. 6. Hydrangeaceae. 7. Grossulariaceae. 8. Crassulaceae. 9. Droseraceae. 10. Hamamelidaceae. 11. Haloragaceae. 12. Callitrichaceae. 13. Rhizophoraceae. 14. Combretaceae. 15. Myrtaceae. 16. Lecythidaceae. 17. Melastomataceae. 18. Lythraceae. 19. Sonneratiaceae. 20. Punicaceae. 21. Onagraceae. 22. Trapaceae. 23. Turneraceae. 24. Passifloraceae. 25. Caricaceae. 26. ...
The present work embodies the result of more than ten years floristic and utility of plant resources survey of one of the remote areas of the Eastern Ghats region comprising four districts of Orissa, viz, Rayagada, Koraput, Nowrangpur and Malkangiri. The Koraput region is rich in plant wealth and for long time this area was under-explored. The study covers an area of 26,921sq km and the total number of species described are 582 (324 genera and 100 families) that ...