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Under the given changed world scenario as a result of globalization of the trade, agriculture has also to be received as an industry. Following GATT agreement and the procedures of WTO, anything can be imported from anywhere and vice versa including farm based products. It is therefore imperative that land is put under the most appropriate management system. Conventional or traditional system of management of farmlands is not going to work. It has to be ...
Two species, shisham and kikar are virtually indispensable owing to their importance for various purposes and their acceptance for plantation on a wider scale, both under social forestry/agroforestry and national afforestation programmes. Where, shisham (Dalbergia sissoo) is distributed primarily in the foothills of Himalayas, kikar (Acacia nilotica) has wider distribution covering large tracts of sub-tropical and tropical parts of the country. Both of these ...
Under the given changed world scenario as a result of globalization of the trade, agriculture has also to be received as an industry. Following GATT agreement and the procedures of WTO, anything can be imported from anywhere and vice versa including farm based products. It is therefore imperative that land is put under the most appropriate management system. Conventional or traditional system of management of farmlands is not going to work. It has to be ...
This re-evolution of Gandhi contains refreshing insights into his life and work, and deserves to be read by all who have ever been attracted by this highly complex and fascinating personality. Gandhi was one of the greatest leaders of mankind. His message is perennially relevant. Few could attain his moral stature. As a mass-communicator, he reached and influenced more people in his lifetime than any other person in history. And he was an organizational ...
India with just 2.5 per cent of the land area of the planet, has to support 15 per cent of the world's human population and equally large population of livestock. The forests of the country are under intense biotic pressure leading to degradation of forest resources. The supply of industrial and domestic wood from forest areas has been dwindling. The average annual increment of forests in India is very low (0.7m3/ha/year compared to the world average of 2.1 ...
The Steam Engine has the same relationship to the Industrial Revolution as the transistor has to the Information Revolution. But the defining technologies of the former were essentially sectoral: the steam engine, internal combustion engine and electric motor were all confined to specific areas of application. But the transistor, embodied in the computer, is a universal technology: right from your wristwatch to a space station, it is central to their working. ...