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The entire Ayurvedic treatment revolves upon the threefold concepts Vata, Pitta and Kapha, which, in a balanced state, ensure the health of an individual. When this balance gets disturbed diseases set in. Any sort of increase or decrease destructs the balance of the dosas. This results in the manifestation of disease. Correct assessment of the level of disturbance in exact dosha or identifying the root cause of the disease leads to long lasting and speedy relief ...
This book on "Massage for Health and Healing: The Ayurvedic and Spiritual Energy Approach" is a commendable guide to a very important medical aid which reigned with dignity in the past. Though it was neglected for many years, the art of massage has recaptured its central place amongst the forms of healing, prevention of disease, and promoting health. In all kinds of therapeutic approaches, massage alone can maintain certain links. Any method of ...
In Ayurveda Marmas are mentioned. Susruta Samhita deals with Marmas elaborately. Those who practise Ayurvedic Massage should have the general knowledge about Marmas. Now-a-days the Acharyas of Kalari Payattu (Martial Aart) know the Marmas and the Marma treatment. By massage Marmas are protected and also activated. Some diseases can be treated or controlled by activating the Marmas. There are 19 Marmas which are damaged. The prognosis is sudden death due to ...