S. Wal

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Food habits are not necessarily related to nutrition and life style pattern. These habits are related with culture, environment and availability of food. Therefore, it is argued that life style patterns and food habits must be linked with nutritional requirements in such a way that disease could be prevented or cured, deprived nutrition at developing stage results in retardation of growth, poor health, reduced efficiency and also a poor level of social output. ...
"A flood of literature on the problems concerning women in the more advanced countries have come out. But very few of these works could serve the desired objectives in terms of composite content and perspective. Now the debate on women’s development has affected the intellectual community as well and there has developed a ranging discussions on what should constitute the agenda of women’s development. It is this phenomena in its varied dimensions which ...
Children have been considered as vulnerable group in our society. Several disciplines are involved in understanding the growth and development of this vulnerable group. Social workers and educationists have been for a long time concerned more with the child development and have contributed a great deal in focusing the attention of the people to the importance of several factors which should be taken care of in helping them to develop fully. It is, therefore ...
The use of child labour in various industries is a big area of concern for our policy makers. In many developing countries a very large number of children work in sub human conditions and are payed very less for full work. It has been seen that a large number of children are surviving under great health and safety hazards. Above all the workplace trauma is widespread, stunting the growth of the children both physically and mentally. Hence, considering the problem ...
The child by reason of his physical and mental immaturity needs special safeguards and care, including appropriate legal protection, before as well as after birth. The need for such special safeguards has been stated in the Geneva declaration of the rights of the child of 1924, and recognized in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and in the statues of specialized agencies and international organizations concerned with the welfare of children.
The development of child has emerged as an important area of scientific work. It has been seen that a large number of children surviving under great health and safety hazards. In our rural areas the need to educate the child is ignored. Through better education we can give our children a better future. Present book deals with the importance of education for the child for a better society.
The future of any nation depends upon the sound development of children. For construction of civilized, cultural and happy society, we have to educate and train our children properly because tomorrow they would take the nation towards prosperity. The present volume deals with the study of child development in the developing countries.
The Social workers and educationist have been for long time concerned more with women development and have contributed a great deal in focusing the attention of the people to the importance of several factors which should be taken care of in helping women to develop fully. Considerable public opinion and the pressure of interested groups have led towards greater investment of public funds as well as private funds for the cause of development of women. It is ...
It is this phenomena in its varied dimensions which the editors of this book have tried to explore. They have provided an objective critique of the contradictions and consequences of the development and disparities. There are some definite linkages between development and disparities. Tackling as it does various concerns which are of growing importance in most developing countries, the collection in this work is of thought provoking critical ...
There has been a world wide awakening about the rights of women. The United Nations has been doing commendable work in this direction. There is more and more awareness about improving the work conditions of women and for providing them proper place in political field. She requires a big national international efforts also in economic fronts. This joint venture has been taken as an academic exercise to provide an over all view on issues and problems related to ...
A flood of literature on the problems comcerning women in the more advanced countries have come out. But very few of these works could serve the desired objectives in temrs of composite content and perspective. Not the debate on women's development has affected the intellectual community as well and the there has developed a raning discussions on what should constitute the agenda fo women's development. The book on women's development in 21st century encompasses ...