Sadhu Singh

Showing all 13 books
This book serve the requirements of the undergraduate students while continuing to be useful to the postgraduate students. The book contains a large number of solved numerical problems. It is an excellent text-book for students of Mechanical Engineering and Production Engineering. The book contains twenty one chapters consisting of the following topics.
It is a comprehensive text book for undergraduate students of mechanical, producion, aeronautical, civil, chemical and metallurgical engineering. It provides clear exposition of basic principles of the subject. The book has been throughly updated and revised with new examples and problems to confirm to the syllabi requirements of the univeristies and institutions across the country and abroad.
The comprehensive text book on Theory of Elasticity, throughly revised to serve the requirements of undergraduate and postgraduate students in Mechanical, Production, Aeronautical, Civil, Chemical and Metallurgical Engineering. The book will also useful to the M.Sc. students in Mechanics.
The book also contains a large number of Solved Numerical Problems to assimilate the solution methods and exercises for practice. The book contains 16 chapters.
This book is intended to give fundamental knowledge of the theoretical and experimental methods for stress analysis which could be attempted to solve problems both in the elastic and plastic range. This book has been divided into three parts.Part 1: It deals with the basic equations of the Theory of Elasticity. Emphasis has been laid on the theoretical background of these basic equations. Number of problems have been solved to illustrate these basic equations. ...
It is a comprehensive textbook on Engineering Mechanics covering both the subject of statics and dynamics to serve the purpose of undergraduate students in engineering, engineering services, civil services, GATE and other competitive examinations. The book, thoroughly covering all important topics of the subject, including coplanar force systems, equilibrium conditions, friction, centre of gravity, moment of inertia, virtual work, simple machines, kinematics ...
Engineering Thermodynamics is a textbook for the undergraduate students of all Technical universities. It provides clear exposition of principles of the subject by way of theory, analytical approach, self explainatory detailed illustrations and solved problems. The subject matter has been explained clearly in the simplest way for easy assimilation by the readers. This has been reinforced by finely graded solved examples selected from major technical universities ...
This book has been written to serve as textbook on "Experimental Stress Analysis" which is now being offered to students in Mechanical, Production, Civil and Aeronautical Engineering both at the undergraduate and postgraduate levels. An essential feature of the book in hand is its completeness in all respects. A reasonably deep coverage is presented on each topic incorporating the latest information available. A number of problems have been solved ...
This is a comprehensive text book on Mechanical Vibrations And Noise Control to serve the requirements of undergraduate and postgraduate students in Mechanical, Production, and Aeronautical Engineering. The book deals with the basic concepts of vibrations. Undamped, damped and forced vibrations have been analysed. Whirling of shafts, two-degree, multi-degree and torsional vibrations and approximate methods have been explained. Advanced topics like non-linear ...