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It is not intended that this book would be looked upon as a comprehensive guidance from the Qur'an. The author has attempted to focus upon the broad principles of the Qur'an for the enlightenment of our heart and mind.
Chapter 1: `Allah Mankind and this World' discusses the Majesty of Allah and his bounties, blessings, mercy and guidance to mankind. It highlights that unrestricted material enjoyment cannot be the goal of man in the life in this world. ...
Volume Title: V. 1. Allah Islamic perspective of god; V. 2. Islam fundamental beliefs; V. 3. Muslims life in the present-day world.
Today Islam is on the spotlight on the world stage when presidents; prime ministers and the ordinary people of non Muslim countries are eager to know more about Islam. There is a duty upon Muslims to project that Islam is the same religion preached by the Prophets Ibrahim (Abraham), Musa (Moses), Isa (Jesus) and Muhammad (s) who all proclaimed worshipping only Allah, for the right guidance of mankind and establishing peace and harmony in the world. Muslims need ...
A modern educated Muslim tends to pay lip service to the notion that the Qur’an contains a complete code of conduct for regulating the lives of Muslims, although he may not know its fundamental rules. He must realise that the primary responsibility of knowing the essential principles of Islam with reference to the Qur’an and the Hadith lies upon him, and not only upon those ho specialize in the study of religion. If he acquires knowledge only in the ...