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Social media take on many different forms like internet forums, weblogs, social blogs, microblogging, wikis, social bookmarking. Social media is the set of web-based broadcast technologies that enable the democratisation of content, giving people the ability to emerge from consumers of content to publishers. Social media site development really began to take off, both in terms of platform development and content creation, in 2000. The advent of social media is ...
This book introduces the basics of Public Relations besides its nature, scope and process. The term "Public Relations" and other associated terms are defined besides the publics are, how important they are, how one can communicate with them. In short, we will take a wide look at what Public Relations does for the organisation, the publics and the management. While going through this chapter, you will be able to state the factors that have contributed ...
Mass Communication Ethics including Journalism and Media Ethics is the subdivision of applied ethics dealing with the specific ethical principles and standards of media, including broadcast media, film, theatre, the arts, print media and the internet. The field covers many varied and highly controversial topics, ranging from war journalism to Benetton advertising.The ethics of journalism is one of the most well-defined branches of media ethics, primarily because ...
Whether journalism is a profession is one of the oldest, continuing controversies in journalism. It used to be easier to take sides when the debate was simply whether journalism was a profession or a business. Liberals lined up on the side of professionalism while conservatives liked to see journalism as a profit-making enterprise. But those were simpler times. Today we can look back on a half century of striving by journalists and journalists organisations to ...
Fifty years back the feeling and the thinking that the electronic communications were killing print. That judgement has proved wrong or atleast premature. True, the antenna of the media picked up tremors in the mid-1970s indicating that Americans' reading and writing skills were declining, and by concentrating public attention on alarming statistics and assertions of decline, the media moved the tremors up the Richter scale. Popular and expert opinion quickly ...
This book introduces the readers to the need of having freedom of expression, press and the Constitution of India. There has been a detailed discussion in the later part of this book as to why reasonable restrictions on this freedom of Press are required.Freedom of Speech and Expression Freedom of speech and expression is an issue, which for various socio-political and economic reasons, has not yet taken the shape it should have acquired. Nonetheless, it is an ...
With extending impact of media and mass communication on individuals and groups, the Indian society overall is reacting swiftly. The pervasive effects of the various media on the varied spheres of the Indian life-economic, social, cultural, intellectual, religious and even moral values transforming rapidly. As a result of this change, what is emerging in the Indian situation is in DeFleur and Rokeach's words, "a conception of the media audience as a set ...
Communication is one of those human activities that everyone recognise but few can define satisfactorily. Communication is talking to one another, it is television, it is spreading information, it is our hair style, it is literary criticism: the list is endless. This is one of problems facing academic: can we properly apply the term 'a subject of study' to something as diverse and multi-faceted as human communication actually is? Is there any hope of ...