The Bengali language has never been quite so much a living, breathing creature of whimsy as in Sukumar Ray's hands, and his creations - wild and wicked, dreamy and delirious - have thrilled children and adults alike. This selection offers you the best of his world - pun-riddled, fun-fiddled poetry from Abol Tabol and Khai Khai, stories of schoolboy pranks (Pagla Dashu) and madcap explorers (Heshoram Hushiyarer Diary), and the unforgettable harum-scarum classis ...
Creation and the fall. The tempter and the holy man. The saintly hero and the heroic child. Miracles, parables. These are the common threads that run through the world's great faiths, weaving a tapestry of belief that is at once immense and dazzling, innocent and wise. The stories recounted in this book echo and mirror each other, changing mysteriously, yet mysteriously staying the same. Noah rides out the flood in his Ark; Yima survives the snowstorm in his ...