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Secondary education has its importance in the national development as it provides large skilled manpower for the economy and prepares for higher, technical and professional education . It is the stage where a proper understanding of work ethos and values of a humane and composite culture is provided to future citizens of the country. The country is passing through major economic developments with liberalisation and globalisation of the economy. The universities ...
The movement of modern education in India is almost two century old. It has come of age now. Over the decades, great educationists have contributed towards the development and evolution of education, as a discipline. Thus, education in India has been enriches a lot. This book is a comparative study of different fields, aspects or areas of education, as found in more prominent countries of the world including India. Aim of this book is to make available to our ...
The Encyclopaedia of Great Thinkers of Education covers in a convenient and otherwise unavailable format the important and rare biographies of all times and from all countries of the world. The vast and detailed information contained in such biographical reference works makes them invaluable research tools for the confirmation of historical, political, social and cultural facts. Furthermore, works specialised by subject, profession and geographic area are now ...
The development and the new technology of educational and educational system in the country has been a vexing problem for decades, ever since the controversy generated in British days by the famous initiative on education by Lord Macaulay. The National Policy on Education has been announced and the Tenth Plan sets out the policy measures and strategies. However, the task is immense and challenging. The content of the book will be of use and assistance to both ...
Child and primary education is the foundation of any personality growth and development. Unfortunately, little attention is paid on how to meet the challenge of handling tender hearts and minds. This book deals with all the complex issues pertaining to this subject. There is a focused treatment on girls education and parents role in the matter. A must for educators, policy planners, teachers and parents. An exceptional work for teaching the exceptional child, ...