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Indian society is highly stratified with many glaring inequalities among the different social groups. The caste system has segregated the Dalits and other weaker sections from the rest of the society to an extent that they were denied even the basic human rights. Interestingly, the absence of freedom of occupation, low earnings, implicit restriction on needs and stigma on menial labour destroyed the economy of lower castes particularly Scheduled Castes. As a ...
Drug abuse as a paradoxical phenomenon is causing serious concern for the policy makers, planners and academicians. As we have already entered into the 21st century and enjoying the benefits of globalization, economic liberalizatioin and marketization, the problems of illicit drug production, drug abuse, drug trafficking, drug addiction has also caused the high morality, morbidity rate and low productivity. Therefore, preventive measures are crucial for combating ...
Children form the first priority on the National agenda as they are most vulnerable and foundation of the nation. However, the exploitation, neglect, discrimination and violence against children have caused enormous social distortions and violations of human rights. The porous borders have added the new dimensions in trafficking in girls and young women in India as large number of girls and young women are being trafficked from Nepal and Bangladesh and are thrown ...