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Uttar Pradesh, constituting 68 districts, is one of the largest state of India spread over an area of 294411 sq. km i.e. about 9% of the total area of the country. The state has a wide altitudinal variation ranging from 300m-7817m and accordingly the varied climate that accounts for a rich and diversified flora. Till date there is no consolidated account of the flora of this state. Working out the flora of such a large state is a challenging job. This can be ...
The angiosperms have been classified into dicotyledons and monocotyledons based on the number of cotyledons, leaf venation, arrangement of vascular bundles etc. The monocotyledons have one cotyledon, leaves usually with parallel venation, vascular bundles scattered and the floral parts usually in threes. In India monocotyledons are represented by 674 genera and 4081 species under 42 families (Karthikeyan et al. 1989). In Uttar Pradesh the number of genera and ...