Showing all 7 books
This book offers a lucid transliteration of the upadesa Sutras of Maharishi Jaimini. Wherever necessary this has been substantiated by references from standard texts. A number of riddles hitherto confronting Vedic astrology have been resolved with fine illustrations. These include (a) the difference (in actual usage) between Chara, Sthira and Naisargika karakas (b) the distinction between 'karakamsa' and 'swamsa' and its impact in the charts of twins born just 2 ...
This Book goes into the intricacies of the vimsottari and other nakshatra based planetary Dasa (Udu Dasa) to bring out their need & usage. An independent chapter is devoted to the choice of Dasa, the how why of choosing the right Dasa for a chart while considering the various criteria as well as variation option in a step by step approach. Judgement of Dasa message of the charts & in timing the events that the drama of life shall show.
For the first time a book on Vedic Astrology not only consolidates the various types of remedial measures available in the sacred literature, but also shows how to read the horoscope and recommend Vedic Remedies. The author explains the classification of remedial measures on the basis of Guna (Nature) and cautions the astrologer against indulging in black magic and other forms of black tantricism that will only destroy his good karma. The Scientific study of ...
The Sri Jagannath Center (SJC) was established in 1998 in India with the objective of teaching Vedic Astrology in the tradition of Maharishi Parasara, Jaimini and other sages of yore. Vedic Astrology will be taught by a panel of jyotish Guru’s in the traditional Jyotish parampara of Sri Ahyuta Dasa of Jagannath, Puri. The highest standards of integrity would be infused through the strict discipline of yogic Practices in the Vedic religion including training ...
This unique and rich book contains sutras, translations, meanings, commentaries, analysis, mantras and teachings of the parampara on the first adhyaya of Jaimini Maharshi's Upadesha Sutras. It forms part of the course material for the Course on Jaimini Maharishi's Upadesha Sutras taught by Sanjay Rath, through the Devaguru Brihaspati Centre in the Himalayas each year. The first volume has 19 chapters: Language of the Rishis, Kalachakra, Introduction to ...
This book attempts to bring together papers presented by me at various conferences and workshops worldwide during my journeys from 2001-05. some papers in this volume have been updated and have been clubbed together in similar or related topics to form about two or three volumes. This is the first of the volumes. These papers looked into various aspects and tools of Vedic astrology and include some of my research as well as a lot of the teachings of the tradition ...
Starting with the sapta-loka mandala and the tri-loka mandala, Tri-nadi charka, this book examines the naksatra tattva where you would be amazed to that the clue to understanding the Leonardo's Vitruvian man. Puskara naksatra and Gandanta naksatra have been explained with ample examples. Divulging some secrets of the special naksatra the Sula charka has been explained threadbare. Naksatra Devata is not just about prayers and worship-Saptarsi naksatra is used for ...