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Orissa is known for its rich heritage of art and architecture. The temples of Orissa are closely entwined with Orissan culture. They cover a plethora of interest covering art, architecture, sculpture, religious faith and rituals. It is true that temples in some form must have originated as soon as the image worship came into vogue basing upon the idea that God has made man out of his own form.
The temples of Orissa resolve themselves into three broad ...
Sakti is the Mother of the Universe: the highest primal power. She is the all-pervading, intangible energy principle that propels the cosmos and its endless human dimensions with the life-throbs of activity and culture. Camunda, the Divine Mother is one of the manifestations of Sakti. She is the most ferocious goddess of the Hindu pantheon. The cult of Camunda is of considerable antiquity. The Mahabharat, the Puranas and other literary texts have provided vivid ...
With the advent of British Regime to the land of Orissa, there started proselytizing and reforming activities by the Christian Missionaries which led to the significant change in woman’s social condition, emergence of a native intelligentsia, formation of socio-political associations, socio-religious reform movements and growth of a few urban centers and elimination of rigidity in the caste system. Even these changes were reflected on the contemporary ...
Saktism, the concept of Sakti, the source of all energies of the Universe plays a vital role in the socio-religious tradition of India since the dawn of human civilization. Mahisasuramardini, the Divine Mother is one of the manifestations of Sakti. She is the most impressive and formidable goddess of the Hindu pantheon. The cult of Mahisasuramardini is of considerable antiquity. Its genesis can be traced from the Vedic literature. The Mahabharat and the Puran as ...