Showing all 3 books
For the achievement of social, cultural, economic and religious perfection of an individual, the role of education has been considered Indispensable, since very early period. In ancient India, the meaning of education was somewhat different from that of today institutional system of bookish knowledge somehow linked with the purpose of securing a job that will fetch money and honour to the incumbent. The learned author of this comprehensive work has attempted to ...
This book is a compilation of the famous series of lectures delivered by the author at Kalikata Vidyapith (Calcutta). The book successfully presents the facts in a connected manner with a view o illustrate the gradual development of the economic conditions from the earliest times. In doing so the author has extensively made use of the original Sanskrit texts-both Brahmanical and Buddhist.
The present work is a pioneering attempt to survey the economic life in ancient India right from Palaeolithic to the age of Harsha. It critically discusses the available data on stone age economics. Much new evidence has been collected and critically assessed for reconstruction of economic conditions in Rigvediac and later Vedic periods. After an interesting discussion of economic conditions in the age of the Buddha, the author makes a penetrative survey of the ...