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This transfiguring work opens with Sister Margalitha leaving the Convent in search of God. When she decides to live with Karikkan, a priest who has abandoned his vocation, she offends her family, society, the Church, and the law. The scandal rocks Thrissur, and the couple become social outcasts.
Othappu, the first Malayalam novel of its kind, is about a woman’s yearning for a true understanding of spirituality and her own sexuality. The novel is a powerful ...
More than any other sacred text, the Ramayana has been interpreted as a blueprint for right human action. Of the innumerable Ramayanas composed, the most prestigious is Valmiki’s text. Across several cultures though, refashioning and retelling Valmiki’s influential and patriarchal epic has become a way of literary dissent in the grand tradition of Indian self-questioning. Two such voices from Kerala, included here, showcase the sophisticated cultural ...
Examining the concept of culture in contemporary social and political theory this well - argued book maintains that there has been a continuing tendency in the social sciences to view culture in a totalising idealist and apolitical manner. The author argues that culture is often treated as an ubiquitous given of social life, which influences but is not itself influenced by social structures and power. Drawing on the experiences and concerns of Third World ...