Showing all 4 books
Hindu Sadhana contributes a highly interesting and important work to the literature of Hindu Thought and Religion.
This book presents the practical side of Hindu Philosophy as manifested in the different religious systems of the Hindus. It shows the essential connection between theory and practice, and to point out the true significance of the course of discipline prescribed by the different religious system for the attainment of spiritual realization.
The first ...
Philosophy of Hindu Sadhna presents the practical side of Hindu Philosophy as manifested in the different religious practices, of the Hindus. It shows the essential connection between theory and practice, and points out the true significance of the course of discipline prescribed by the different systems for the attainment of spiritual realization. The first part of this book is devoted to the discussion of the function and characteristics of Hindu Sadhana in ...
A masterly review of the evolving relationship between religion, science and culture, and the need to create a spiritual unity which will transcend and sustain the material unity of the world order.
Dr. Radhakrishnan sketches the lives of fourteen individuals who have influenced India's life and culture significantly, and altered the course of its history. Among these are social reformers like Swami Dayanand and Raja Ram Mohan Roy, political thinkers and activists like Lala Lajpat Rai, Sardar Patel, Tilak and Gokhale and a giant among scientists, Jagdis Bose. All of them had one thong in common...they dreamt and had the courage and tenacity to turn their ...