Satish Sonkar

Showing all 14 books
Physical and health education process envisages four phases-organic education and intellectual education-leading to the development of vital, vigour, power, skill, moral, social and spiritual ideas and mental power. It will prepare the child not only to become a useful and efficient member of the society but will also bring to the fore his hidden talents. Thus, both child and society or national will be benefited. The present book makes thorough investigation ...
Physical education, as an integral part of the total education process, is a field of endeavor which aims at the development of physically, mentally, emotionally and socially fit citizens through the medium of physical activities that are time-tested and well-established. Being capable of achieving full and complete growth of an individual, the field has grown substantially bad has become rapidly expanding profession attracting attention of many. Looking to the ...
Physical education is a way of education through physical activities which are selected and carried on with full regard to values in human growth, development, behaviour and health. Being an important constituent of total educational programme, it aims at the same general goal that gives purpose to all other learning experiences-the all-round development of all children and youth as responsible citizens in a society. Features of nationalism and internationalism ...
Physical education for normal students forms an integral part of every effective education programme but imparting such education to disabled students is difficult and requires utmost care. Each student requires separate treatment depending upon type and degree of deformity. Exercises and activities for such students must be adapted following the advice of the physician. In such a progarmme, as far as possible, maximum participation of disabled students should be ...
Modern-day phenomenon of mechanization has turned man more inactive and Leisure and pleasure-seeking. this inactivity on physical level has proved detrimental to the physical and mental health making living life full of tensions. Physical education provides the panacea of physical exercises and activity as a remedial action. Physical education professionals have the responsibility to interpret their profession to the public that it will be seen not a an end in ...
From formal exercises for therapeutic applications in hospitals and rehabilitation centers the domain of physical education has undergone a transition and has acquired educational and developmental roles in schools and colleges. The programme of physical education envisions conditioning of activities for physical fitness, strengthening and stretching exercises for improvement of posture and stamina and guidance for physical, mental, social, emotional and ...