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A novel that tells the true story of modern India in a style that’s inimitable thunderstorm blows the roof off a village school. Guruji, the schoolteacher, who lives in the school building with his family, is forced to seek shelter in the lock-up of an abandoned police station. The schoolhouse opens to the sky, and this intensely poetic novel opens to the inner world of a dozen characters: Guruji, his wife, their two children, the village watchman, the ...
In 1952, at the age of twenty-seven, Mohan Rakesh undertook a journey to south India, travelling by bus, train and steamer along the western coast from Bombay to Kanyakumari. Young and ardent, he dreamt of the wide expanse of sea that would make up for a childhood spent in Amritsar's narrow lanes, and had visions of comely guides who would look kindly upon his wandering. But once he set out from Delhi on a train to Bombay, his visions slipped away and complex ...
Raghuvar Prasad teaches Mathematics at a local college. He lives in a one-room rental eight miles away from his place of work. He travels to work by jitney, cramming into whatever space is left by other passengers, milk cans, winter blankets and vegetable baskets. The mode of transportation is unreliable; jitneys won’t stop for him when they are full. A sadhu atop an elephant befriends him, offering him a ride to the college on his elephant. The Head of the ...