Seema Yadav

Showing all 16 books
There are a large number of books that deal with the subject of nutrition but the present book deals with the basic principles of nutrition in such a way that they are of interest to the inquisitive students. Various topics related to nutrition such as the nutrients present in diet, their necessity, their functions, their sources, their food value, their role for an individual, their inter-relationship, their use to make life more useful etc. have been dealt with ...
The present publication provides sufficient material on the growth, aims, teachniques, methodology and content of the teaching of Life Science. It not only covers all the important topics that is required in a textbook but also introduces the reader with latest developments and information in the field. It provides a comprehensive matter of content and methods of teaching Life Science for the students of B.Ed. classes in several universities. It is hoped that the ...
Present book attempts to clarify the important concepts of food chemistry. The food, its contents like fats, carbohydrates, lipids, proteins, minerals etc., have been discussed and an attempt has been made to acquaint the reader with the structure, functions and importance of these molecules which play an important role in our food and nutrition. Methods used to study them and to identify them in the food items have been discussed. The experiments carried out by ...
Physiological Chemistry presents a comprehensive account of the fundamental principles of physiological Chemistry. It incorporates and organizes the information concerning physiology of plant cells from relevant and authentic sources. It details a connected and precise account of the subject matter of this important branch of Botany which forms an integral part of the studies undertaken by the undergraduate and postgraduate students on the subject. The principles ...