Showing all 7 books
This book provides readers with an introduction to art of healthy living. It highlights about healthy working life, healthy habits, healthy choices, healthy food, healthy eating habits, healthy living diet, healthy home, healthy kids, healthy travel and healthy aging. Major ingredients of healthy living are discussed with focus on healthy food and eating. The book attempts towards creating an understanding of holistic health with focus on healthy spirit, healthy ...
This book looks at the following in detail--typology and uses of fertilizers, manures and composts; elements, dimensions and utilities of fertilizers and agro-based industries, composition, roles, advantages, disadvantages and applications of biofertilizers, rizobacteria, posphate solubilizing bacteria and other biofertilizers, pesticides, green pesticides and biopesticides, use, research and development of biofertilizers, bioinsecticides and biopesticides, ...
The present book is an attempt to understand seed technology and seed pathology in a comprehensive way. It deals with the principles, concepts and practices which encompass this area of study. This book analyzes factors such as: seed dormancy; quiescence; germination; metabolism; growth diseases; seed physiology; seed quality; seed production; seed storage; bio-deterioration; mycotoxins; seed-borne microflora and diseases; and management of seed-borne diseases. ...
With the advent of the new millennium, the scientific community marked a significant milestone in th study of bioinformation. This book attempts to keep up with the quick pace of change in this field, reinforcing concepts that have stood the test of time while making the reader aware of new approaches and algorithms that have emerged. This book is an essential reading for researchers, instructors, and students of all levels in molecular biology and ...
Nanotechnology is the minisaturisation of technology to the billionth of a meter (the nanometer) to the molecular level. It is the design and manufacturing of intelligent miniature machines, programmed to perform specific tasks. Nanoscience and technology are emerging arenas of research and development with tremendous potential to improve the human condition along with some real possibilities of significantly worsening mankind’s situation. The emergence of ...