Shalini Wadhwa
Showing all 9 books
Linguistics was previously called by the name of Philology and was considered to be the analysis and development of a language. Linguists are now experimenting on making languages easier for the learners and for making them useable properly by the learners. It is now considered that if a sound basis of a language is made by a student then he can be proficient in other social sciences and humanities also. With the development of linguistics the teaching and ...
Educationists have now recognized that being successful educational programme both the teachers and the learners have to be given proper education and consideration. The teachers attitudes towards their profession and towards achieving teaching skills is very important for any teaching, programme. It is the affection of the educationists nowadays that the teacher should help the learners to acquire study skills with the help of which a learner can accelerate the ...
The teaching learning process mainly depends upon the performance of the teachers. The teacher is expected to know the learner as well as the subject. The teacher also needs to be very resourceful in using the latest educational technology for teaching. He has to be sympathetic to the needs and aspirations of the students. He should be innovative and have rudimentary knowledge of research processes and action research.
Language is composed of words and sentence. If a student has the acquisition of more and more words and Vocabulary, his language becomes very rich and effective. The teachers of language and linguistic should know as to which words and vocabulary are important and essential for the classes the teacher is going to teach. The Editor is grateful to various departments of language and linguistics of many universities to whom he had approached for participation and ...
Over the years the educationists and psychologists have developed various methods of learning on the basis of research and experience. Generally it was believed that the learner learns mostly from trial and error. However, the Gestalt School of psychologists have come to the view that the over-all impression of a place event, or man is what affects the learner more deeply. Jean Piaget has however, taken a developmental view of psychology of teaching. The teacher ...
The students in their later life have to face real problems of life and find their solutions. The main function of education is to enable the student to face life situation and overcome them. If the students are encouraged right from the beginning to learning through problem solving method then, they are successful in learning. Mostly, the Scientific problems are taught through Problem Solving method. The students are provided with a difficult situation which ...
College and university students have to cover long courses and have to work for examinations. The curriculum of higher education is very extensive and as such the teaching and learning methodology requires o be different from the teaching and meaning methodologies of the schools. In the colleges and Universities self-study methods and other such educational technologies have to be used by students themselves. The teacher has to give them a helping hand I ...
The institutes of higher education including colleges, universities and research institutions are needed by civilizations for there survival while as these institutes of higher education maintain the old stocks of culture and science. Now adays they are performing the role of manufactures of new knowledge and technologies. The modern technological world needs continuous research for improving the old knowledge and technologies and for this function they need the ...
Teaching is a highly professional activity. It is often said that good teachers are born. This is true that every body does not have a bent of mind for teaching. But nowadays due to mass education, teachers have to be created and trained. There was a time when some specific communities took to the teaching profession but nowadays teaching has ceased to be the preserve of the few. Similarly over the years, based on the experience of the teachers and discoveries in ...