Showing all 2 books
This novel is about the success and failure of the first Prime Minister of India, Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru. It deals with the predicaments of the early years of Indian independence and concerns itself with the moral and political problems of the era. It sheds light on many dark corners of India's recent past. Recounting the pogrom of Muslims in Delhi in September 1947, the novel shows that Indian communalism was not the result of British policy of divide and rule. ...
This novel, first in the trilogy 'Laughter In A cage', 'Man Who Stole rainbow' and 'Woman Who Sold Tears' evaluating freedom, justice and commonweal in British and Independent India through the depiction of life in Amritsar and Delhi from Jalianwala Bagh firing in 1919 to Operation Blue Star in 1984, covers the period up to partition. This novel Shows how the wrong policies propagated by Indian leaders before and immediately after First World War unleashed ...