Shayma Balakrishnan

Showing all 11 books
For a long library and information technology seems to have meant little more than knowing what tasks had to be performed in libraries and being able to do; only of late did management come to be concerned with such abstractions as planning controlling, coordinating, etc. Librarians have sought to justify their professional existence through a set of routine practices which set them apart from other professional groups and which can be accepted by other as ...
For a long library and information technology seems to have meant little more than knowing what tasks had to be performed in libraries and being able to do; only of late did management come to be concerned with such abstractions as planning controlling, coordinating, etc. Librarians have sought to justify their professional existence through a set of routine practices which set them apart from other professional groups and which can be accepted by other as ...
For a long library and information technology seems to have meant little more than knowing what tasks had to be performed in libraries and being able to do; only of late did management come to be concerned with such abstractions as planning controlling, coordinating, etc. Librarians have sought to justify their professional existence through a set of routine practices which set them apart from other professional groups and which can be accepted by other as ...
For a long library and information technology seems to have meant little more than knowing what tasks had to be performed in libraries and being able to do; only of late did management come to be concerned with such abstractions as planning controlling, coordinating, etc. Librarians have sought to justify their professional existence through a set of routine practices which set them apart from other professional groups and which can be accepted by other as ...
For a long library and information technology seems to have meant little more than knowing what tasks had to be performed in libraries and being able to do; only of late did management come to be concerned with such abstractions as planning controlling, coordinating, etc. Librarians have sought to justify their professional existence through a set of routine practices which set them apart from other professional groups and which can be accepted by other as ...
Computer technology, both hardware and software, is deriving all benefits from the advances made in solid state physics and electronics. The new innovations in hardware technology, particularly storage media, microelectronics, VLSI, etc., have reduced the cost of the computer. A wide range of general-purpose and special-purpose computers, mini-computers, microcomputers, microprocessors etc., are the types which can be used in libraries. Planning and management ...
Library management systems are but a segment of a world of information technology and elsewhere there are a variety of systems which are designed primarily to present the customer with information which they can use directly, but in electronic form. Some of the crucial aspects on the theme are exhaustively dealt with in this book. The valuable and authentic information is organized in five chapters namely- introduction; bibliographic software; electronic ...
Indexing and Abstracting practices are important links in the chain of communication between the originate of information and the ultimate user. Indexing service facilitates in locating or indicating an original document in a given subject; abstracting service, while performing the basic function of location, also aids a user, through the abstract, to decide if he/she should seek a copy of the original document for study or consultation. Indexing and abstracting ...
The introduction of a new integrated library system might be the first realistic opportunity to introduce all automated serials control system. It is essential to ensure that the system will contribute to improved performance in achieving organizational, library and departmental objectives. The overall objective of the serials department is to ensure, on a continuing basis, that the serials collection is relevant to, and reflects the need of, the user community. ...