Shiv Dua

Showing all 13 books
A much awaited volume on the what & how of inguinal hernia with detailed information on its management with alternative therapies. The author needs to be congratulated for the way in which he has presented relevant details in 9 simple yet comprehensible manners.The work is thoroughly complete within its own range; accounting for the most modern concepts & treatment options available. It is a well known fact that everybody wants to avoid surgery due to ...
Generally, people avoid consulting a doctor in disorders like cold, cough or fever. They purchase patent medicines or cough syrups from the chemist. In the case of falling of hair or dandruff, people purchase anything on verbal advice of the chemist like cough pills, etc. In doing so, inadvertently they play havoc with the hair-health. Hair disorders are not like cold, cough or fever. Hair relates more to diseases than disorders. Let us understand that in some ...
There are many books written on skin ailments in homeopathy but to my knowledge, there is no exclusive book on nails and their diseases. It is because the subject is very much limited, short and medical narrations cannot be made voluminous even if someone desires to give this subject a longer and exclusive length. So, this book has its beautiful brevity. My objective of writing this book is to make the subject interesting and to the point with logical sequences ...
These stories would be a great source of learning in the leisure time of students and also will be beneficial for practitioners to revise their studies during the time-gap between 'wait and examine' patients.
This book is written for learners and practitioners to combine and integrate their concept and skill into practical objectives of success. The book is also designed to sufficiently educate students on the functioning of the concerned organs. The book also depicts a realistic approach experienced by reputed physicians and authors of books to allow readers to consider remedies adopted by them. Added to the homoeopathic approach of curing stones, a bird’s eye view ...
The mouth that eats drinks and speaks is a wonderfully blessed organ without which one cannot survive. Gracefully, it makes a wholesome identity of a person. If this mouth or its inner parts are diseased, one can say that all above abilities are affected. A sore mouth cannot speak at ease and it will try to keep quiet. A bleeding or swelling of the gums or a severe toothache can make a person cry and a bad breath can make a person shy of company. A healthy oral ...
Cure & manipulate neck pain learn Accurate neck exercises * Use simple homoeopathic remedies * Eat befitting diet to fight the disease * Avoid disease by change of life style * Cure by Alternative therapies & yoga * Basic Questions relating to neck pain: There is a tremendous increase in the number of patients suffering from cervical spondylosis and there is an urgent necessity for a book to guide the sufferers. They mostly depend upon intake of modern ...
The first part of the book deals with introduction to homoeopathy in the simplest manner with health attitudes and list of common medicines to be stored. The real utility of this book rests with the second part, which has been designed to make a disease-wise diagnosis. There are three basic medicines given here which is to be inducted one after the other in the order of given preference. Keynote has been suggested to refer to first, second and third remedies.
This book about prostate gland is written to serve those gentlemen who consult doctors for treatment of urine problems and are diagnosed with problems in prostate. Doctors have no time to tell the patients about functioning of the prostate. Even if the problem is explained, patients do not get a correct idea about its care and management. With little knowledge, that the problem is with his sexual sphere, he is worried and ashamed of telling his relatives and ...
This book has been written for the general public and layman. One fine morning, after the laboratory tests are declared, the doctor tells the patient about the thyroid problem. The patient id taken aback as to what is this thyroid about? Now the patient is at the mercy of the doctor. The prescription is made and handed over to the patient. More of the annoyance is that patient needs guidance. The book will help him/her to know what he/she did not know about this ...