Shiv Kumar

Showing all 9 books
Identification of desirable genotypes with traits of interest is discernible for making genetic improvement of crop plants. In this direction, screening of a large number of germplasm for desirable traits and transfer of identified traits into agronomic backgrounds through recombination breeding is the common breeding approach. Although visual screening is easier for qualitative traits, its use is not much effective for quantitative traits and also for those, ...
The text of this unique book provides to the readers the basic and applied understanding of rumen ecosystem, function, assimilation of nutrients and metabolism. It would be of significance and useful to students appearing for NET, ARS, JRF and SRF examinations. Author furnished suitable and recent informations for professionals, Ph.D. Scholars, field veterinarians for nutritional disorders associated with rumen metabolism. Contents are embodied with current ...
Indian fiction scene is very skewed. At one hand there are book by high profile authors whose works are difficult to comprehend and on the other hand there are books by the new authors whose stories revolve round the usual campus stories with predictable storyline. These books are called the books for the youth as if todays youth do not have any other work except boozing and chasing beautiful girls. A new kind of story which will be liked by all those who have ...
India’s economic plans are a conscious effort to galvanize all the forces working in the society so as to foster social as well as individual development. When Indian became free in 1947, there were great challenges in front of her. She was steeped in mass unemployment and under development, an illiterate and untrained labour forces. Her problems required a big national effort in economic front. Through this book, editor had tried to explore the subject in ...
Eradication of poverty and hunger through creation of employment opportunities in the community has been one of the challenging task of planning in India. The number of unemployed and underemployed has been increasing overtime. The highly rural character of Indian economy explains the chain reaction of many stress and strain caused by various factors in the region.