Showing all 3 books
Soil Science is an important branch of Agriculture which deals with studies of different areas like soil physics; soil chemistry; soil fertility and plant nutrition; soil survey, genesis and classification, soil mineralogy, etc. It is therefore, essential that this valuable natural resource is understood and conserved properly for sustained agricultural production in India. National Agricultural production mainly dependent upon one of the important natural ...
This textbook "Soil Chemistry" is the outcome of twenty four years of author’s teaching, research and extension experience in soil science. The book "Soil Chemistry" comprises of eight chapters and an equal emphasis for discussion on various aspects is being given for all chapters. The book has been written and designed as per syllabi of the undergraduate studies of soil science of different Agricultural Universities of India and also of ...
The textbook "Soil Fertility, Fertilizer and Integrated Nutrient Management" is an outcome of approximately twenty four years of author’s teaching and research experience in soil science. This textbook is published for the agriculture students of different Agricultural Universities of India and the person engaged in agriculture. The book is an extract and concise collection of various important topics from different books, bulletins, journals, ...