Heritage holds most significance to the community to which it belongs and holds varying significance to other members of society. Heritage education aims to explore this significance and to seek ways by which the local community can join the heritage conservation movement. It also aims at making the public sensitive and appreciative of the culture of others.
Jatin Das lives in Delhi and works in the largest space in his home – the sitting room, which has become his studio. Crowded with art materials and canvases of all sizes, everything here resounds with his gutsy strokes. Bold dark lines that do not hesitate to take forms emerge from every canvas, bare human bodies with layers of exuberant warm earth-colours that seem to wreath, wrap, and unveil them all at the same time. One wonders: where does this energy come ...
A collection of entertaining and delightful tales, beautifully illustrated., tell us about Buzz the bumble bee, the kingfisher, quick-witted mountain goat, and brave little ants who defeated the proud elephant, and many others.