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This monograph seeks to analyse, in brief, the developments that took place in India’s relations with the USSR during 1972-91, the period which coincided with the emergence of Bangladesh as an independent country and the tragic death of Rajiv Gandhi. It was during this period that India’s first nuclear experiment was conducted giving rise to various reactions most of which expressed concern at India’s growing status as a new power in Asia. Two events, the ...
The reader will find in this monograph a systematic analysis of India’s relations with China during 1972-91, the period beginning with the emergence of Bangladesh as an independent country and ending with the tragic death of Rajiv Gandhi. Throughout the text the main theme which finds detailed discussion is related to the Sino-Indian border dispute as viewed by both the sides in the post 1962-war period. The process of normalisation made a limping start when ...
This monograph, dealing with India’s relations with the USA during the two decades of post-Bangladesh period has been prepared to serve the interests of the under graduate in the state universities where the need of such concise publications is keenly felt. Besides, this set will also benefit those political activists who in the midst of their other preoccupations cannot afford to look at the lengthy treatises on subjects related to India’s foreign policy. ...
This monograph seeks to reflect the desire of a teacher to emphasize the significance of our freedom movement which, being invested with some rare attributes, remains a unique phenomenon in human history. The author has also tried to highlight the imperceptible impact it had on similar movements in Afro-Asian countries. It was not a mere accident that the liberation of India marked the beginning of the downfall of European imperialism in Asia followed by similar ...