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In India the post Independence era has experienced an explicit expression of the commitment of the government to the cause of children through constitutional provisions policies programmes and legislation. The Indian constitution has a framework within which ample provisions exist for the protection development and welfare of children. There are a wide range of laws that guarantee children their rights and entitlements as provided in the Constitution and in the ...
Most of the countries in the region are undergoing rapid social and economic change. The obstacles to women’s participation in and benefits from these changes mean that the potential contribution of half of the population of these countries is either unutilized or underutilized, signifying an economic loss to the country. The direct links of expanded opportunities for women, especially in education and income-generating activities, with reduction in ...
Sociology is used to analyze society, and based on this analysis, attempt to reform society. Sociology is the study of society. Sociology is the study of the relationship between humans and society. Environment is the sum of all external factors, both biotic and a biotic, to which an organism is exposed.Economic development is the increase in the amount of people in a nation’s population with sustained growth from a simple, low-income economy to modern, ...
Rural sociology is a field of sociology associated with the study of social life in non-metropolitan areas. It is the scientific study of social arrangements and behaviour amongst people distanced from points of concentrated population or economic activity.The movement of people from one place to the other to stay on for a considerable period of time for various reasons is known as migration. It is one of the three components of the population change and other ...
Gender identity is one of the most fundamental aspects of life. The sex of a person is usually assigned at birth and becomes a social and legal fact from there on. Discrimination based on gender identity is not explicitly covered in legal frameworks in a large majority of Council of Europe member states.The concept of human rights is old as human history itself. In principle, international human rights instruments protect everybody without discrimination. Despite ...