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The concept of yoga is exclusively an Indian product. Yoga appears in history for the first time as estimated between the third and second centuries Bc. At this time, though still without a definite date, there flourished a person called Patanjali, who is believed moulded the extent knowledge of yoga and wrote Yogasutra.
Very little is known about the author of this book apart from the facts that he is a retired Government of India officer, now in his late nineties, apparently hoary, but healthy. When requested for more bio-data, he wrote back: The real author of the Original Yoga is the Lord Siva. In the mundane world, Patanjali is the prime propagator of yoga. Any other claim to authorship, therefore, cannot but be spurious. It is truth that matters, not the utterer of the ...
This book provides a complete view of the world's most ancient scripture, the Rgveda. Here each Vedic word, which at first sight appears cryptic and mysterious has been explained in lucid terms after analyzing it down to its root and sound, so that the real intention of the rsi who compiled the hymn is made clear. Those readers who are interested in the real ethos of our First Book of Knowledge, on which is based our Hindu dharma and culture, will find this ...