Showing all 4 books
Hinduism means incorporating all forms of belief and worship without necessitating the selection or elimination of any. This book incorporates literature from ancient sacred text of India considered as the Kernel of Hinduism. Jaico 366 readings series is the first comprehensive collection of the spiritual literature of the whole world presented in accessible form. It is aimed at people who wish to broaden their spiritual outlook, and also at the much larger group ...
In ‘Zen Economics’, Van de Weyer combines economic analysis with social and philosophical insight to reveal how the entire world is on the verge of an economic and social transformation. Thrift on a global scale, for from causing stagnation will enable many of the world’s most intractable problems to be solved. In fact Weyer offers practical financial and personal advice on how to participate in & cope with this global change. It is most important message ...
From as far back in time as history records, human beings have sought the truth-some order or entity that unifies all existence. Sometimes these have been codified in certain writings approved as scriptural, other less centralised traditions have collections of sayings and stories, still others have passed on their wisdom orally. This collection contains all three types of tradition, providing a unique overall view of the collective spiritual wisdom of humanity. ...
While life expectancy has risen sharply in the recent past, years of wellness and good health have remained fairly stagnant. People seem to suffer more physical, emotional and spiritual problems than ever before. Modern medicine seems powerless to address the issues that confront us in the present times. As a result, more and more people have been turning to the wisdom of the past in their quest for a more fulsome and a healthier way of life. The book presents ...