Sita Ram Sharma

29 books
The present bibliographical work is the result of great labour in collecting the historical bibliographical material over the part few years. It is a rare work which has been published by an Indian publisher on the basis of the material collected mainly from the British and the Indian sources. It is an up-to-date bibliography of history covering a large part of the contemporary world.
Every programme when implemented, needs to be evaluated. Educational and vocational guidance is a very important component of educational programme. Guidance experts have prepared some principles of evaluation which have been discussed in this book.
How teachers react with students, with parents and with administrators, determines to a great extent the quality of teaching in educational institutions. The teachers groups, the family back ground of the teachers and the training of teachers in institutions of various kinds, are all determining factors in the education of students. The social groups involved in the process of education are jointly responsible for the standards of education.
This book focusses on thirteen eminent politicians of India, most of whom are at present Chief Ministers of the states. Some of them can replace Atal Bihari Vajpayee as Prime Minister of India in the event of BJP being defeated at the general elections for Parliament in the beginning of the year 2004. There are many contenders for power, both in BJP and Congress and other regional parties. The thirteen politicians selected have their own qualities and ...
The framers of the Indian constitution were men of abilities, experience and vision. They had been successful in attaining independence after a long struggle and were competent enough to frame a wonderful constitution. The constituent assembly had held long discussions and debates and were, thus, able to frame the longest written constitution of the world. Article 30 : Right of minorities to establish and administer educational institutions. 1. All minorities ...
The matters of administration are more related to the management and for public or governmental schools they are related to the government and their official agencies. The provision of money for payment of the staff salary, the provision of infrastructure and school plant, all are related to the administrative policies. The book has been divided in to fourteen chapters-School discipline, Planning the Time Table, Student Activities, Examinations, Classification ...
This book has tried to highlight all these points in a very coherent way. It is hoped that the book will prove very useful to common reader as well as to the serious scholars of journalism. The editor places on record his deep sense of gratitude to all those sources from whom material in this regard has been collected. Special mention needs to be made of the American Information Centre, New Delhi, The British Council Library, New Delhi, Sports Authority of India ...
South Asian countries are suffering from internal conflicts. These conflicts are mostly due to the social differences in their societies in the economic as well as social fields. A general pattern has developed in which the people’s War Groups are destroying public property and are killing people, there may be some justification in their demands for social justice but it has to be admitted that their method of fighting is violent and anti-social. This book ...
This book tries to highlight the character and performance of general Pervez Musharraf who is at present the Army chief and the posts of the Army chief and the post of the President. The Western Societies have criticised this kind of governmental arrangement as undemo-cratic. From all accounts General Pervez Musharraf and thus he can be rightly called the saviour of Pakistan.
Ghulam Nabi Azad was born in the area of Jammu in the state of Jammu and Kashmir in a very modest Muslim family. He got his education in Jammu and later moved to Delhi, where he was spotted by Late Prime Minister Mrs. Indira Gandhi. He has been a true disciple of Indian National Congress Party. He started his political work as a member of the Congress Seva Dal. He worked in the Government of India under Mrs. Indira Gandhi, Shri Rajiv Gandhi and Shri. P.V. ...