Showing all 7 books
An initiate of the late Swami Venkatesananda, Durga Rahasya builds on the insights vouchsafed by him. It brings out the cosmological, anthropolo- gical and existential meaning of the text via the three tales. The Introduc- tion unravels the stories syntactically together with the lauds in a relaxed semiotic rhythm, supplementing with a commentary cultural and trans- cultural in five brief chapters enabling insights on the Eternal Feminine to the contemporary ...
Dalai Lama: a personality study. Ranchan examines Dalai Lama in terms of his family dynamics, his rigorous training form childhood to youth, his encounter with the Chinese usurpers, his heroic encounter flight to India, his settling his million strong Tibetan diaspora, principally in India, but also elsewhere in Europe and America, and becoming a world leader and teacher of Buddhism. Ranchan illuminates Dalai as a hero, mana man, as an extender of Buddhism.
Som Ranchan, known for his interdisciplinary ranging in the fields of literature, literary criticism, philosophy, religion, mythology, folklore, psychology and therapy, is a poet par excellence who has authored epic poems on Christ, Mother Shharda, Ramakrishna, Vivekananda, Krishna, Sri Aurobindo and Manjushri. In Baha’u’llah he has stepped out of mainstream traditioin and taken on the Semitic Prophetic tradition as emblematized in the Baha ‘i’ Prophet.
Revisioning Shiva is a major interpretation of Shiva by Som Ranchan, a creative scholar in the past he has revisioned Swami Vivekananda, Sri Aurobindo in Swami Vivekanand, insane-e-Kamal, Aurotherapy both published by Indian Publishers Distributors Ranchan as a revisionist updates Indian Culture and Tradition and makes it available to the modern Indian and the westerner. In Revisioning Shiva, Ranchan argues that Shiva is not only a Yogi, but also a sadhak of the ...
Mantra Manual explains mantra not only from the viewpoint of traditional, scriptural formulations, but also from depth psychological perspectives to make the subject relevant to our times. It gives twelve mantras, along with their meanings, in one chapter. However, over elucidation of the mantras has been avoided to provide space for personal meanings created by the mantra as they connect with the mantra through the web of their life experiences. The Mantra ...