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The present book is an attempt to make the people acquainted thoroughly with the knowledge of ecosystem, and the factors concerned with the deterioration of the environment and its valued resources with the view to plan and manage the development programmes in such a way that exploitation of natural resources may not upset the balance of nature. For the major part of the terrestrial habitat, the natural vegetation was forest. All the organisms sharing the habitat ...
The depletion of biodiversity is an alarming problem all over the country. The world conservation strategy suggests that the initial effort of biodiversity conservation should aim at establishment and maintenance of a network of protected area systems by making policy changes involving local people in the protected areas management and mobilising financial resources for their conservation and protection. The problem of biodiversity conservation has become a ...
Natural resources are those gift which are directly from nature. India presents nature in all its splendour. Diversity in physical and climatic condition result in wide range of natural vegetation in different region. In their turn these provide habitat for different species of animals and birds, while rain forests are found in the Andaman, Cactus are found in the Thar desert. Similarly there are alpine forests in the Himalayas while mangroves are grown in the ...
In the modern medicine also plants occupy a very significant birth as a raw matierials for some important drugs, although synthetic drugs and antibiotics brought about a revolution in controlling different diseases. But these synthetic drugs are out of reach of millions of people. Those who live in remote places depends on traditional heaters, whom they know and trust. Judicious use of medicinal herbs can even cure deadly disease that have long defined synthetic ...