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The result is a painstaking, thoroughly researched writing on the unsavoury happenings in Afghanistan and their grave implications for the neighbourhood, and India in particular. Without aiming to take sides in the protracted civil war in Afghanistan, the book analyses what may lie in store for Afghanistan and the region. The envisaged five future scenarios are: (a) Taliban rule; (b) Taliban defeat; (c) arms embargo with the objective of imposing a broad-based ...
After the 11 September 2001 attacks by the Pakistan-Afghanistan trained terrorists on the WorldTrade Centre and the Pentagon, Pakistan polity is undergoing a series of convulsions. Immediately, the official honeymooning with the Taliban and al-Quaida was given up and the US was invited, willy-nilly, to fight terrorism from Pakistani soil. The ISI was overhauled and abruptly its charter on Afghanistan was officially revised. Similarly, the state was forced to act ...
The developments in Afghanistan since September 2001 have dramatically changed the security environment in South and South West Asia. The oppressive regime of the Taliban was removed from power as abruptly as it came, in November 2001. Though the war against the Taliban and its ally al-Qaida is still going on, the brave Afghan people have started rebuilding their country brick by brick. For the first time, the international community is pitching in to help the ...
The new millennium literally began with a bang. The terrorists attack on World Trade Centre and Pentagon in the USA in September 2001 followed by a US launched wars on Afghanistan in October, 2001, and on Iraq in March 2003. Both the wars were started by the pole super power in the global order, the United States of America. Of the three events, the war on Iraq is unique in many ways. At this point of time in history all one can say is the USA hated Saddam ...