Showing all 5 books
Only one who has found peace within himself can possibly be trusted to lead mankind to peace! The restless social and political leaders of the world, hankering after power, position, prestige, name and fame, how can they show the way to peace unless they themselves sit at the divine feet of a Man-of-God and imbibe the Peace that flows from his Presence?
Sage Sivananda is full of compassion and does not wait to be approached, to give our leaders initiation into ...
With great delight we place before the aspirant-world, the present work 'Adhyatma Yoga' by Swami Sivanandaji Maharaj, the world renowned sage, who needs no introduction. This work contains over four hundred highly illuminating and inspiring poems on a variety of subjects connected with religion, philosophy, etc.., and will serve as a happy companion to the author's other poem-books published already, viz. 'Wisdom Sparks', 'Waves of Bliss'. 'Jnana Jyoti', and ...
Drawing largely upon his long-practised experience as an eminent and first-rate physician who combined I himself the skill of a famous doctor and the intelligence of an equally famous scholar, Swami Sivananda, the towering sage of the Himalayas, presented to the world most popular works on themes of health hygiene, medicine, under such titles as Health and Long Life, Family Doctor Health and Happiness, Bazzar Drugs, Health and Hygiene, care of the eyes, a Boon to ...