Subhadra Channa

Showing all 21 books
The papers in this volume cover a great range of topics but all deal with the crucial area of the relationship of women to work. The questions that have been raised have to do with the complex relation ship between the two and we have seen that to understand this relationship one must undertake a historical analysis involving depth of time as well as develop a cross cultural perspective. But what is most important is to look at the data from a feminist ...
Encyclopaedia of Indian Tribes and Castes is the result of the need felt by the scholars, researchers, teachers, and administrators for a reference work on Indian ethnology which can rise above the usual complexity and confusion in finding reliable and trustworth information in this vast and highly important area. The vast and detailed information contained in the pages of this pioneering work makes it an ideal and invaluable reference tool for the confirmation ...
Featuring comprehensive global coverage of women's issues and concerns, from movements and human rights to feminist roles, the Encyclopaedia of Women Studies brings the field into proper perspective for the scholars and students alike. Organised thematically for easy access and better understanding the areas covered have been dealt with in detail by some of the leading writers on these themes. The Encyclopaedia of Women Studies reviews the condition of women ...
Human society is reproduced through the activities of its members. Unlike non-human species humans do not reproduce only in numbers but they reproduce what we call as social statuses and social personhoods. Social statuses are governed by norms and principles a large component of which determine the roles that people play as men and women in society. Although complex societies have numerous roles to be played and everyone play multiple roles that fit various ...
The present book entitled Sports Administration is a painstaking effort in the field of physical education and sports sciences. It is the unique effort in understanding the concept of sports administration. Now career opportunities involve working with professionals teams and leagues, college athletic departments, conference offices, national and international amateur associations, public/private recreational agencies, club and facility management, ...
It deals with the major theoretical approaches to change, both in the Indian and global context.
The term "women’s human rights" and the set of practices that accompanies its us are the continuously evolving product of an international movement to improve the status of women. In the 1980’s and 1990's, women’s movements around the world formed networks and coalitions to give greater visibility both to the problems that women face every day and to the centrality of women's experiences in economic, social, political and environmental issues. In ...