Contents: Preface/R.H. Sawkar. Introduction/Subhajyoti Das. Five decades of groundwater development in India/Subhajyoti Das. I. Changing geohydrological scenario: 1. Dwindling groundwater resources in hard rock areas requires conservation measures and judicious water management/K.C.B. Raju. 2. Change in ground water scenario during the last five decades in Andhra Pradesh/G. Sudarshan, P.N. Rao and A.D. Rao. 3. Changing Geohydrological Scenario of Karnataka/K.Md. ...
Hydrogeological Research in India: Significant Papers from the Journal and Memoirs of the Geological Society of India 1959-2008
There is no place on Earth that is so much dependent on rain as India. The life of millions of farmers and their cattle depend on this heavenly bounty year after year. When this gift is denied in any year, it causes grave distress. In an average year rains are confined to just 100 days. If care is not taken to store it, water is lost. This is why we have large storage tanks. The tanks also function as feeders to wells providing drinking water to a large percent ...