Subhash C Kashyap

29 books
This work consists of writings on critical issues in areas such as constitutional law, human rights, international law, judicial system and systemic reforms. It also includes research papers published in India and abroad and keynote addresses delivered at Indian and foreign universities. The book has been divided into six parts consisting of 43 chapters. Part I covers the basic concepts and fundamental principles of the Constitution. Part II presents an anthology ...
Democracy and Good Governance reminds us of the true meaning of good governance and what democracy entails. Subhash Kashyap details practices and protocols followed in the Indian Parliament and the deviations and aberrant behaviours of legislatures, noting what their actual duties are and ought to be. The author also brings out in a series of biographical sketches his encounters with some remarkable parliamentarians during his long tenure in the Parliament ...
India and its unity despite diversity has been an enigma for most, particularly outsiders who try to understand it through the various models of society. Since India's importance has been growing due to its emergence as a major economic power, there is more and more curiosity to know about the complex society and the way the ancient civilisation shaped into a successful democracy without much disturbance. The issue comes down to what makes India tick when the ...
The principles and structure of India's polity are unique in many ways, built as they are around a combination of important foundational principles laid down in the Constitution, the Indian people's aspirations, and the country's ethos and history.This pioneering work of reference contains more than 350 alphabetically arranged entries on subjects spanning India's political system — and how it works in practice. The topics covered include the ...
During recent years, serious flaws have appeared in electoral laws and processes. There is practically no law governing political parties and ensuring maintenance of proper accounts, inner party democracy etc. The anti-defection law has been a dismal failure. The fearfully high costs of elections and the role of 3 M.Ps money power, muscle power and mafia power and of 4 Cs communalism, casteism, criminalization, and corruption have polluted the functioning of our ...
Nation is passing through critical times. Our polity is under severe strain. Faith of the people in the quality, integrity and efficiency of governmental institutions stands seriously eroded. Case for a review of the working of the institutions—executive, legislature and judiciary—and for wide ranging political reforms is unassailable. Based on the realisation that neither economic liberalisation policies nor administrative reforms can really succeed without ...
The book contains contributions from some of the most outstanding Indian, German, French, British and Japanese constitutional experts. It should serve as a prologue or background document of immense value to any honest examination or review of the working of the Constitution. All those interested in the theme should find it an indispensable reading.
"The present may be the most opportune time to bring out a study on educational reforms inasmuch as for the first time there seems to be some evidence of a political will to really to something to accord some priority to education in the national agenda and to attempt a national consensus on an agenda for educational reforms. There is a growing realization among policy makers that without making education near universal, giving primacy to educating the girl ...
This is the fifth volume of the History of Parliament. It covers a period (1979 - 89) full of triumphs and tragedies, achievements and initiatives, crises and controversies. The seventh Lok Sabha shall be remembered for the unfortunate disturbances in Punjab, and appointment of the Sarkaria Commission, the marathon debate on Mandal Commission report. National achievements included launching of satellites SLV - 3, Apple and SLV -3-D-2, scientific expedition to ...
This is a unique and pioneering work in that for the first time it brings together well thought-out ideas and concrete suggestions from some of the most eminent Indians - scholars, jurists, administrators, diplomats and public men - on a theme of tremendous contemporary concern. What was the vision of the founding fathers? Has it been fulfilled? Did the constitution suit our genius and ethos? Has it been successful in satisfying the needs and aspirations of the ...
At a time when the nation is passing through difficulties and our polity is under tremendous strain, the India International Centre has taken the initiative to analyse and examine a theme of great relevance to the current crisis. Eminent political scientists, sociologists, jurists, administrators, advocates, educationists and public men have come together in this prestigious work to present their perspectives on the Constitution of India. From the pages of the ...