Subhash Chand

Showing all 8 books
The book entitled “Sustainable Agriculture, Food Security and Climate Change” contains ten chapters in which different approaches to combat recent challenges of yield stagnation, nutrient depletion and resource degradation to feed nation burgeoning population.
This book is an account of introduction, principles, different practices, recent advances related to organic farming. A comprehensive reviews on benefits and limitations of organic farming as carried out by various research workers have been discussed in detail. The biomass energy is having great potential in the scenario of scarcity of energy. Soil organic matter is an important factor in restoring soil fertility. An increase in the soil fertility has a direct ...
The book “Terminology of Soil Fertility, Fertilizers and Organics” have been prepared for easy understanding of various definitions/terms for students and researchers particularly working in soil sciences and usually in agricultural sciences.
The book is useful for entrance examination of various UG and PG courses in agricultural sciences of state agriculture universities. A special chapter on definitions of soils is given in simple english language ...
The book entitled "Sustainable Agriculture, Food Security and Climate Change" contains ten chapters in which different approaches to combat recent challenges of yield stagnation, nutrient depletion and resource degradation to feed nation burgeoning population. Chapter 1 deals with how to achieve household food, nutritional and livelihood security through agricultural interventions like knowledge management in agriculture, integrated plant nutrient ...
The book "Dictionary of Soil Science" aims to create a terms and terminology of soil science in a very lucid way, so that students and researchers may understand the soil science related term easily. The present dictionary consists about 750 words involving nearly all sphere of soil science subjects. It includes recently introduce words like Integrated Plant Nutrient System (IPNS), organic farming, precision agriculture, sustainable agriculture and ...
Overexploitation and improper management of natural resources cause threat to the sustainability of production systems and lead to environmental degradation. Conservation of natural resources is an issue of utmost concern for sustainable development and improvement of livelihood securities. Towards this, several programmes/schemes of state/central Govts. are being implemented in the country with major focus on participatory watershed management. South India ...
The book "Integrated Nutrient Management for Sustaining crop Productivity and Soil Health" is a compilation of best integrated nutrient management strategies for suggesting answers of various soil and crop related problems, like disparity in NPK consumption, imbalance use of fertilizers, decreasing Soil Organic Carbon (SOC) stock and decreasing factor productivity etc. The book suggested appropriate and best INM options for important crops, viz., rice, ...