Sudha V. Menon
Showing all 9 books
Dryland ecosystems support the growing understanding that environment is not a luxury, but a key factor in overcoming poverty and an economic basis for livelihoods, true sustainable development. The people of the world’s drylands face the greatest development challenges. They survive in areas where rainfall can be as little as one tenth of the level in highly productive agricultural zones. Rain also tends to be erratic – with frequent droughts – and often ...
Watershed management plays a pivotal role in food security and environmental security in the present era, characterized by increasing conflicts over water resources. Watershed is a basic hydrologic unit, and hydrologic and ecologic processes govern the quality of soil and water resources within the watershed. Recently, watershed management has emerged as an appropriate strategy to manage natural resources and provide sustainable livelihood to the rural poor. ...
'Fragile States' is the term used for countries facing serious development challenges such as weak institutional capacity, poor governance, political instability and frequently on-going violence or the legacy effects of past conflict. Fragile states contain 14% of the world’s population but account for nearly 30% of people living on less than $1 a day. One person in three is undernourished. This is twice as high as in other poor countries. Fragile states cannot ...
Panchayats have always from time immemorial, been the backbone of Indian villages. Gandhiji, the Father of the Nation, in 1946 had aptly remarked that Indian independence must begin at the bottom and every village ought to be a Republic or Panchayat having powers. Gandhiji's dream has been translated into reality with the introduction of the three-tier Panchayati Raj system to ensure people's participation in rural reconstruction. The passage of the Constitution ...
Human Security is a child who did not die, a disease that did not spread, a job that was not cut, an ethnic tension that did not explode in violence, a dissident who was not silenced. Human Security is not a concern with weapon - it is a concern with human life and dignity...it is concerned with how people live and breathe in society, how freely they exercise their many choices, how much access they have to market and social opportunities-and whether they ...
North-east India has often been perceived as a remote and isolated region, ethnically so diverse and distant from the dominant Aryan - influenced Indian society. Plagued with dreadful inter-ethnic clashes, ever-growing separatist demands and criminalized insurgencies, the North-east got tagged with the crisis region image in the mainstream economic literature. Geographically connected to India with 37km Siliguri corridor, the region shares 4500km border with the ...
Singapore is one of the best free market economies in the liberalized era, especially in terms of international trade, business and investment. Since independence, Singapore followed an export oriented, outward looking and capitalistic growth strategy, which ultimately led to the development of this resource constrained city state into one of the most sophisticated international business destinations. Singapore has world-class financial, business and transport ...
Watershed is the area of land from which water drains into a body of water such as river, lake, stream or bay. Watershed Management refers to the conservation, regeneration and the judicious use of all the resources - natural (land, water, plants, and animals) and human - within a particular watershed. It tries to bring about the best possible balance in the environment between natural resources on the one side, and human and other living beings on the ...
The current economic growth is seemingly bypassing the 2/3rd of India’s rural population. The high level of poverty in the rural areas is also exacerbating the urban-rural divide. With the agriculture sector experiencing a continuous squeeze and the decline in livelihood opportunities for rural unskilled laborers, policymakers in India face significant challenges. Many policies that have been formulated and implemented to address these issues have not had any ...